Maggie Alley

Chorus Teacher and Director


Courses Taught:




Ms. Maggie Alley joined Houston County Schools in 2022. Before teaching in Houston County, she taught in Bulloch County, Emanuel County, and Upson County. She graduated from Georgia Southern University with two degrees, a Bachelor of Music in Music Education, and a Master of Music in Music Education.  


Ms. Alley loves to perform as an individual and in ensemble. She currently sings with the Choral Society of Middle Georgia. As a member of Georgia Southern Chorale and Georgia Southern Opera, she had countless opportunities to hone her craft and have the best time singing with others. She also sings regularly with her church. Ms. Alley loves all chances to make music, singing solo or in choir, and being able to conduct choirs of all sizes. 


Ms. Alley believes that all students should have the opportunity to make music and that middle school chorus is simply the best. She is excited to create music with students, growing their ability and confidence in Chorus here at Bonaire Middle School.
